- Prediction of pain levels
- Labeling lung nodules in CT images
- Image-based localization in the gastrointestinal tract
- Activity forecasting from video observations
- Indoor localization with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Wi-Fi
RTT beacons processed by a Monte Carlo algorithm
- Video surveillance system combining computer vision and
intuitive user interfaces
- Photocopier monitor for detecting copyrighted materials
- Linking of paper documents to digital content
- Document collection browser
- Awareness system for work communication
- Social network for merging digital and physical worlds
- Video-based awareness system with privacy controls
- Time-shifted, linked video conferences
- Detail-on-demand hypervideo
- Intuitive video editing facilitated by detected camera motion
- Video summaries in form of comic book pages or stained-glass collages
- Browsing of video collections and individual videos
- Content-based search of video collections
- Similarity grouping and faceted search for photo collections
- Stained-glass collages of photos
- Organizer for large photo collections